We are currently fulfilling our Open Antikythera Kickstarter! Thank you for your business!
GeoTronics LLC
We are Your Worldwide Open Source solution for fine Replicas.
Makers of the World-famous Open Enigma and Open DSKY!
S&T GeoTronics makes quality Open Source retro tech replicas. It's what we do: combining our passions for history, technology, and engineering to bring you these unique products. We believe in craftsmanship, being intimately involved with the making of a piece of art that is well-made, long-lasting, and desirable.
An identifying factor of our craftsmanship is our interest in the process of creating. The focus is on the product, the creative process, and how much enjoyment it brings. We are dedicated to Open Source, and you can make what we make by following our instructions.
These machines are assembled entirely by hand, by us, in our very small workshop. We have no "mass production" equipment. Each wooden case is made from 3/8" selected imported wood, and fitted with the best materials we can obtain. These cases will last as long as the electronics they contain. We look forward to doing business with you.
We brought you the Open Enigma
Over 230 sold Worldwide!
Shipped to 35 countries
Featured at The Bletchley
Then we released the Open DSKY
Over 140 sold Worldwide!
Featured in Smithsonian Magazine
We present you: Open Antikythera
Our new replica was fully funded on Kickstarter in 2024
Join us for an exploration through the old world
Help uncover an ancient technology & its untapped potential

We are dedicated in providing you Open Source products and we invite the community to comment and collaborate.

We take pride in everything we do: From recreating historical devices to providing vintage technology for the modern era.

We are Makers at heart and we provide kits for all our products, or we offer fully assembled and tested units.

We take the time to assemble our units one by one in the sequence they are sold.

Arduino is a platform we love and is at the center of both our Open Enigma and Open DSKY.

We exclusively use the finest Prusa 3D printers in our print farm and have a number of high power CO2 Laser cutters/engravers.


Marc Tessier
The "T" of S&T
Maker Pro with a passion for Arduino, electronics and 3D printing
"Un tien vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras!"
James Sanderson
The "S" of S&T
V.P. Alternative Engineering,
PCB Designer, Arduino Programmer,
3D Printer design creator
Name it, he can do it!