This Open Source Enigma Replica product is exactly like our Plugged kit, but we have taken the time to solder, assemble, program & test it ourselves.
It includes everything that comes in a plugged kit (listed below), but all components are already in place & tested. This provides full plugboard functionality.
This is the best option for those that want the immediate use of our Open Source Enigma Replica but don't want to assemble it & are willing to build their own box.
Essentially, it is like our boxed Enigma without the wood box & the hardware that goes with the box.
1 | Motherboard PCB |
1 | Daughter Card PCB & 1 Plugboard PCB |
1 | Arduino Mega2560 Clone |
4 | 16Segment Displays LTP587 |
26 | White LEDs for Lampfield |
5 | Red LEDs 5mm for Modes |
36 | Pushbuttons 12mm x 12mm x 11mm |
2 | 30 Female Header Pins |
3 | 30 Male Header Pins |
1 | 18 Double Male Header Pins |
1 | On/Off/On Switch |
38 | Resistors 470 Ohms |
37 | Resistors 1K Ohms |
31 | Resistors 10K Ohms |
7 | IRF9Z24N P-Channel MOSFET |
1 | Battery Holder |
6 | AA Batteries |
1 | Battery Connector |
1 | Perforated Top Plate & Plugboard Plate |
20 | Banana Plugs |
26 | Banana Jacks Dual |
1 | Wood Box |
1 | Hinge |
1 | Half-Mortise Lock |
Enigma Assembled Plugged